google-site-verification: googleb188d52f665c623e.html How A Natural Enzyme Can Improve And Maintain Your Health | ATSHealthWellness

How A Natural Enzyme Can Improve And Maintain Your Health

 How A Natural Enzyme Can Improve And Maintain Your Health


 How A Natural Enzyme Can Improve And Maintain Your Health

Dr. Hans Neiper, a German physician who was faced with difficulties that are still unsolved by orthodox medicine today, looked to nature for a solution to all types of inflammation over thirty years ago.

Anything in the body that shouldn't be there causes inflammation. Any type of "non-living tissue." Simply put, this refers to anything that produces discomfort. Blockages caused by mucus, such as catarrh, sinus or bronchial issues, asthma, emphysema, or industrially produced illnesses such as asbestosis.

Inflammation causes blood clots, prostate difficulties, arthritis, ulcers, and a slew of other ailments that your doctor will say you can't be fixed.

The enzyme serrapeptase is used by the silkworm to disintegrate its cocoon. Dr. Neiper realized that the silkworm needs something to disintegrate "non living tissue" when it transforms from a worm to a moth in a short period of time, because the cocoon is a rigid construction of dead tissue.

Dr. Neiper isolated the enzyme, administered it to his patients, and saw incredible effects in a short period of time.

He delivered it to a patient who was about to have a hand amputated owing to a blocked artery. The blockage was removed, and the man kept his hand. Serrapeptase, he said, dissolved blood clots and caused varicose veins to shrink or disappear.

Serrapeptase is currently professionally processed organically through fermentation to achieve the massive amounts necessary in today's society. This naturally occurring enzyme has been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory properties in histological examinations.

Pain relief, eye problems, ENT disorders (Ear, Nose, and Throat), injuries, inflammation of any kind, cardiovascular troubles, and, most notably, arthritis are all known possible advantages.

In 25 years of being prescribed by German doctors, no harmful side effects have been reported.

Serrapeptase can, and does, resolve many problems that doctors tell us are insoluble.

However, we need to remember that many of the problems we experience with our health are often closely tied to our diet.

We shall have junk health if we eat junk food. When shopping in the supermarket, look at the labels. How many E numbers or things that are clearly not proper, natural food are there in the packet?

Also, anything that is in the form of so called “sugar free” invariably contains aspartame and other things which are detrimental to our health. So, try to keep to a good diet.

Alternative remedies, many of which have stood the test of time, in some cases many hundreds of years, finally offer hope to a lot of people.

Serrapeptase is a recent addition to the list, being “discovered” only 35 or so years ago. But it is one that works for many people.

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