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Losing Weight One Pound at a Time!

Weight Loss One Pound at a Time!

Over two-thirds of all adults in the United States are overweight or obese. That's a sizable proportion of adults who want to lose weight, either a little or a lot! One pound at a time is the only way to do it!

Many obese people wish and hope for a quick resolution to their weight problems. They'll try anything that promises immediate gratification! Unfortunately, these weight-loss miracles are frauds! They may initially aid in the loss of water weight. But, without a little effort on that person's part, the fat will not go away

Consider all the dieters who have attempted and failed weight loss diets. The inability to stick to a diet is the leading cause of long-term weight loss failure!

Many people develop yo-yo dieting habits. They try a diet for a while, lose a few pounds, quit, gain the weight back (and then some), and try another diet. The procedure is carried out once more. With each new attempt, there is almost always more weight to lose than there was before!

Weight Loss Strategies That Work

If you wish to lose weight successfully, you must first understand that there are no magic diets or items that will magically melt fat away! You didn't gain the weight all of a sudden! You won't be able to get rid of it overnight, either! To reduce fat, one pound at a time, you'll have to put in the work! If you want to keep the fat off once you've lost those additional pounds, you'll have to maintain working at controlling your weight!

Cathy Nonas, R.D., M.S., (an obesity researcher at North General Hospital in New York) writes in an article on Consumer that the ideal diet is the one you can stick to. Consumer Reports goes on to add that following the rules is crucial. Dieters must permanently cut their calorie consumption to maintain their weight loss because their now-smaller bodies require less calories to fuel them.

Diet fads almost often fail in the end. My personal experience has taught me that eating properly is the greatest way to go! Why not try cutting down on the empty calories present in most American diets if you want to lose weight (one pound at a time), keep it off, and feel good? Consume more raw fruits and vegetables, as well as entire grains. Limit your intake of fats and sugary or salty processed snacks. Limit yourself to lesser servings and don't go back for seconds. This is a diet that you can maintain and live with for the rest of your life!

Yes, you'll need to make some lifestyle changes and concentrate on becoming more disciplined in your eating habits. But it will all be worth it in the end! You'll have a better appearance! You'll feel a whole lot better! Your self-assurance will return, and you'll believe there's nothing you can't accomplish!

Isn't it worth it to forego the 44-ounce Coke and the massive order of greasy French fries in exchange for a healthier, happier you? Treat yourself to a little dish if you can't live without a few French fries and a Coke now and again. On that particular day, reduce your calorie intake somewhere else. It's fine to indulge once in a while. But, if you're serious about losing weight and keeping it off, be mindful of what you put in your mouth. One pound at a time, you'll lose the weight!

Note: Always with your doctor before starting any weight-loss program.

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