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In 3 Easy Steps, Get Rid Of Lip Lines

 Lady pursing her lips and looking downwards

How To Get Rid Of Lip Lines In 3 Easy Steps

Do you have a hard time with lip lines? Vertical lines around the lips can appear as you get older, adding years to an otherwise young appearance. Here's an explanation of what creates lip lines and how to reduce their appearance.

What Causes Lip Lines?

A variety of causes contribute to vertical lip lines, including age, environmental stress, ordinary facial expressions, and lifestyle choices:


Your lips have thinner and more fragile skin than the rest of your face. As a result, it is more susceptible to the negative effects of environmental stress and exhibits obvious indications of aging at a faster rate. Vertical lines above the top lip might emerge as early as your twenties, after which you make 1% less collagen per year. Your skin gets more delicate and less resilient over time as elastin and hyaluronic acid levels decline. Thin vertical lines might grow into more pronounced creases as your lips lose power and volume.

Vertical lines above the top lip might emerge as early as your twenties, after which you make 1% less collagen per year.

UV Exposure

Sun exposure accelerates the aging process by depleting your skin's collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid stores. Because the lips are frequently left uncovered, they are at a higher risk of UV exposure than the rest of your face. UVA radiation, in particular, expose this delicate area to harmful free radicals, which break down and destroy healthy skin cells. The aging process is accelerated, resulting in fine lines and creases around the lips.

what causes lip lines infographic

Repetitive Movements

Lip lines form in the same way as other “dynamic” wrinkles (think frown lines and laugh lines). Speaking, smiling, and pursing your lips repeatedly causes the muscles around your mouth to contract, resulting in permanent lines and wrinkles. “The analogy we love telling our patients is: think of folding the corner of a piece of paper and what happens if you unfold and smooth it out,” Amanda Doyle, MD tells Yahoo Beauty. There's still a crease in the fabric. Similarly, persistent pursing of the lips causes small wrinkles to appear over time.”


Smoking is another cause of vertical lip lines. It should come as no surprise that large creases are often known as "smokers' lines." The motion of taking a drag from a cigarette, along with the oxidative stress generated by smoke inhalation, might hasten the appearance of tiny lines around the mouth. Damage accumulates over time, deepening wrinkles and drying out the skin, leaving lips pinched and puckered.

How To Get Rid Of Lip Lines

Lip care should be a natural extension of your overall skin care regimen. To maintain your lips soft, supple, and youthful-looking, follow these steps:

1. Exfoliate

Fine lines and wrinkles can be exacerbated by dry skin, making lip creases appear deeper and more visible. With the Citrus Enzyme Lip Exfoliator from our Lip Trio, you can refine your lip region. This lip exfoliator contains citrus and pineapple enzymes to help soften dry lips and reduce the appearance of lip wrinkles.

2. Treat

The Marine Flower Peptide Lip Serum is a luscious cream serum that plumps the appearance of lips while also reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in the surrounding area. It's designed to improve the appearance of elasticity in the lips, with both instant and long-term plumping benefits.

After applying the lip serum, apply the Hibiscus Instant Line Filler to see the benefits right away. Instead of getting lip injections or fillers, try this natural Advanced Instant fX treatment, which reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in as little as two minutes.

3. Moisturize

A petroleum-free lip balm that decreases the visual signs of aging and seals in moisture will keep your lips soft and supple. To smooth wrinkles and fill lips, our Citrus Lip Balm contains botanical peptides extracted from hibiscus.

Going for a walk in the park? The apparent indicators of aging, such as the vertical lines around your lips, are accelerated by exposure to the sun. With our Rosehip & Lemongrass Lip Balm SPF 15, you can keep your lips protected. Zinc oxide, rosehip oil, and lavender are combined in this hydrating balm to provide natural SPF protection and soothe dryness.

Natalie Pergar, a lead skin care trainer, also offers advice in this In The Mix video. Take a look at her tips for making your lips look smoother.

How do you take care of your lips? For tailored advice from a qualified esthetician, visit an Eminence Organics Spa Partner near you.

Alisha Whitley first wrote this post in January of 2018. 

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