Retrogrades Could Set October Off On A Bumpy Start, Astrologers Warn
Returning to the future and being remixed once more? The end of several months of outer-planet retrogrades (Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto) in October 2021 will be followed by the inconvenience of messenger Mercury's backspin until October 18. Translation: Your Q4 plans won't be fully operational until the second half of the month.
Postpone the peace talks—or expect to go back to the drawing board with your counteroffers several times. Yes, it's Libra season, which is traditionally a time when everyone is cooperative and accommodating. Mercury is retrograde in Libra this year, the sign that governs relationships and harmony. Everything here that has to do with technology, communication, and forward progress can get jumbled and halted. Even the most sincere apologies note could be misinterpreted as a threat.
Furthermore, because Mars is in Libra until October 30, the "detriment" sign, this year's Mercury retrograde adds a unique story element. It's no surprise that when the planet of war is in the sign of peace, it gives mighty Mars—and the rest of us—a Samson complex. People either choose the wrong battles and deepen divisions, or they just lack the energy to fight.
For the rest of the month, stay low and put down your sword—unless it's absolutely necessary.
Concentrate on making amends and resolving conflicts as patiently as possible. From October 30 until December 13, when Mars enters Scorpio, there will be plenty of Halloween and holiday season heat. Scorpio's minor/classical ruler, Mars, is much more at ease in this sign. We'll have electricity again by the end of October, so personal energy saving is a smart idea till then.
Meanwhile, Pluto moves forward on October 6, coinciding with the Libra new moon, finishing a structural Capricorn retrograde that began on April 27. Power struggles and entanglements in business, government, and money will be resolved, or at the very least surface from the depths to be resolved.
Then, in Aquarius, the sign of groups, society, and the future, Saturn (October 10) and Jupiter (October 18) terminate their retrogrades and go forward. Some of the policies that world leaders have been wringing their hands over, particularly those linked to the pandemic, public health, and vaccine policy, may see resolution.
Be aware that the end of these outer-planet retrogrades coincides with a significant release of energy.
An Aries full moon on October 20 stirs up emotions and reactions. Then, on October 22, a Mars-Pluto square pours kerosene on those smoldering emotions, igniting a conflict of wills just as the Sun enters Scorpio. As the momentum builds, life will become more intense. All the more reason to take it slowly and let October take its course.