The Best Time Of Day To Take Hemp Oil Might Not Be When You Think
Is There A Best Time Of Day To Take CBD? Experts Debate
Hemp oil, which includes a variety of calming plant chemicals (including hemp-derived CBD), can aid with stress management, relaxation, and mood regulation. Hemp oil won't get you "high" and is safe to ingest at any time because it doesn't contain the concentrated psychoactive components of marijuana (a specific Cannabis plant varietal). Which begs the question: when is the ideal time to take it?
Experts advise using hemp oil at the following times, depending on your needs.
If you're using it to help you sleep.
If you're using it to help you sleep.
Stress, as we all know, may be a major impediment to getting deep, restful sleep. Hemp oil can help alleviate some of it before bedtime and put you in a more positive frame of mind as you prepare to sleep.
Rob Rountree, M.D., a board-certified family medicine practitioner, recommends consuming hemp extract approximately an hour before bedtime to help you decompress from the day (and maybe following it up with a sleep-supporting supplement, too).*
This allows the phytocannabinoids to engage with the endocannabinoid system, also known as the master regulatory system, and restore equilibrium to your body. Wendie Trubow, M.D., MBA, a functional medicine gynecologist, agrees, saying, "If you're taking it to help with sleep or stress connected to sleep, then nighttime before bed is great." *
If you're using it to deal with stress.
Hemp oil truly shines when it comes to stress management, since clinical investigations have shown that the plant may help people maintain normal blood pressure and heart rate while under stress.
If you're stressed first thing in the morning, try hemp extract (along with some breathwork and gratitude techniques) to get to the bottom of the problem.
Bindiya Gandhi, M.D., a physician, adds that if your stress levels fluctuate throughout the day, you should keep track of when they're at their peak. Is it linked to a specific job or time period, such as before meetings or after reading emails? That's useful knowledge, and it can help you figure out how to deal with those challenges.
It's not a bad idea to take hemp extract before those chores if it doesn't make you sleepy or make it tough to concentrate. It shouldn't because hemp plants naturally contain very little THC (European hemp oil has the lowest amounts at 0.2 percent) and aren't related with the "high" associated with genetically different cannabis varietals (aka marijuana).
If you're looking for a way to boost your mood.
Many people equate hemp oil with happiness because it might make them feel more at ease in the face of mental and physical challenges. (It also contains anti-inflammatory effects that can aid in overall health, including mental wellness.) *
If hemp extract doesn't make you tired or make it difficult to concentrate, it's not a bad idea to take it before those chores. Hemp plants naturally contain extremely little THC (European hemp oil has the lowest quantities at 0.2 percent) and aren't linked to the "high" found with genetically diverse cannabis varieties (aka marijuana).
If you're seeking for a means to lift your spirits, here is the place to be.
Many people associate hemp oil with happiness because it may help them relax in the face of mental and physical difficulties. (It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help with overall health and emotional well-being.) *