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How To Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

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How To Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


How to Avoid Gaining Weight During the Holidays

The holiday season is unquestionably a happy time. Unfortunately, the average adult indulges in a bit too much revelry throughout this season, resulting in extra baggage when the New Year arrives. Indulging in extra helpings, munching on seasonal goodies, and having little to no workout time during the holidays all contribute to the rise in dieters in January.

So, this holiday season, go against the grain and stay away from the Seasonal Seven (the average weight most of us will gain between Thanksgiving and the New Year). That's a trend you don't want to be a part of!

Even though this time of year may bring added stress and obstacles, there are methods to maintain a healthy lifestyle and find balance. Though it may seem impossible to avoid the season's customary dishes at times, there are numerous ways to enjoy the festivities without expanding your waistline. The celebrations do not have to be cut short or avoided. You can have a great time while keeping your weight and fitness routine in check.

The season's buzzword is moderation. It's the key to having a good time while also staying healthy throughout the holidays. You may avoid gaining weight AND enjoy all the festivities of the season by taking a reasonable attitude to what you eat (or don't eat) and how much exercise you get (or don't get). So, instead of entering the New Year with more pounds to shed, get a jump start this season.

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