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Lose Weight For The Summer

 Lose Weight For The Summer

 Lose Weight For The Summer

For the Summer, Lose Weight

It's no pleasure being overweight in the summer heat. When everyone else is wearing gnat-sized beachwear and dripping oil onto wasp-like abdomens, showing a fat tummy or fat thighs isn't exactly fun. Summer, in reality, can be an unpleasant challenge for people who are overweight, with numerous potential for shame and discomfort. So let's have a look at how you might lose some weight and have a better summer next year. But first, a word of caution.

Summer's Weight-Loss Catch-22

Looking for a “quick fix” weight loss plan or diet is a sure way to fail. You know what I'm talking about: the type of program that promises "a quick and easy approach to lose weight." None of these diets or medicines, in my experience, work, and the medical evidence is clear: the maximum pace of sustained fat loss is between 1 and 2 pounds per week, possibly a little more if you are obese. Besides, if a smart scientist could create a technique for speedy, painless weight loss, he would become more renowned than Einstein overnight. He wouldn't be promoting his program through 30-second TV infomercials or mail-order catalogs. Don't waste your time on weight loss procedures that make excessive claims for the sake of your sanity and your financial health. If you don't believe me, consider any of your overweight friends who prefer the short-term "drop 20 pounds in two weeks" strategy and consider why they are still overweight.

Summer Diet Plan for Three Months

You can't expect to drop a lot of weight in a week or two. It takes three months to notice a substantial difference in your body form. Remember that the human body is more concerned with survival than with appearances, and since quick weight loss is a symptom of disease rather than good health, the only surefire way to change your body shape is to follow a steady diet and exercise plan. You can drop roughly 26 pounds in three months, which is more than enough for most overweight people to notice substantial health benefits as well as a much leaner body. And, because you're losing weight gradually, you're less likely to gain it back, so you can keep dropping weight if necessary without fear of hitting a weight loss plateau or other roadblock.

You'll require inspiration.

No one like changing their habits. If you want to modify your eating and exercise habits, you'll need a strong motivation – something that will keep you dieting and exercising even when boredom sets in. Whatever motivation you choose, it must be stronger than the desire to eat delicious high-calorie meals while watching TV!

A Good Summer Weight Loss Motivator

Anything that commits you to your weight loss target in advance is a terrific motivator. So take a chance. Purchase some beautiful clothes to fit the figure you want at the end of your diet program, or book a costly beach vacation. Both of these acts necessitate your success and, as a result, generate ongoing incentive.

Men and celebrities are more motivated than women.

Men and celebrities, in my experience, have the strongest motivation, both with private clients and dieters in my weight loss community. I believe this is because men have a smaller range of daily duties and obligations than women. Celebrities, because they usually have a strong commercial incentive to keep their physical appearance in good shape. I help a number of celebrities lose weight, some of whom are regulars on my forum, and I am always impressed by their willingness to make short-term compromises in order to achieve their long-term goals. I suppose that's why they're so successful.

Short-term sacrifices should be viewed positively.

Whether you're attempting to reduce weight for the summer, save money, or pass examinations, your ability to remain optimistic about making short-term compromises is a vital piece of the motivational puzzle. You have a simple choice: you may focus on the "deprivation" of giving up particular meals, or you can focus on the benefits of not eating these items. Unfortunately, many dieters are preoccupied with their feelings of deprivation. They begin to consider their diet as a burden, a nuisance, and an evil necessity after a while. That is why so many of them have given up. They are unable to "see" the advantages of losing weight. If you want to improve your body shape for the summer, you must avoid falling into this trap and realize the long-term benefits of adopting short-term lifestyle changes.

The Good News When It Comes to Bettering Your Diet

What we eat and drink has a big impact on our preferences, hunger cravings, and general attitudes toward food. I know a lot of mothers who have had dramatic changes in their personal and family food habits after just three weeks of better eating. The point is that the ordinary modern diet is high in sugar, fat, and sodium, all of which make us need more of these foods. However, even if you can break free from your addiction to junk substances for just 2-3 weeks, you'll notice a significant difference in your taste buds. Which takes me to the subject of healthy eating.

Think about eating well instead than losing weight.

Focusing on healthy nutrition, in my experience, is one of the most effective weight loss tactics. I'm not saying you shouldn't use your weighing scales to track your progress; just don't use them entirely. Keep in mind that enjoying your food and feeling good about your new eating habits are as vital. And any diet you despise is doomed to fail, regardless of how much weight you lose, since once you reach your target, you'll revert to your old eating habits and regain every pound you've lost.

The Top 10 Nutritional Habits

In a nutshell, a healthy diet consists of (1) eating more home-cooked meals and eating less out. (2) Snack on more fresh fruit. (3) Increase the amount of fresh veggies consumed as snacks and with meals. (4) Additional beans as a side dish or in stews. (5) Denser, chewier bread, as well as less refined white breads and bread snacks. (6) Increase the amount of fish, skinless chicken/turkey, and red meat in your diet. (7) Smaller red meat portions, greater veggie portions. (8) Consuming low-fat dairy products. Adding less fat to your food in the form of butter, mayonnaise, and sour cream. This is a significant source of extra calories. (10) Keeping a supply of healthful snack items on hand to stave off hunger. You won't crave the junk things that hunger forces you to eat if you fill yourself on good, nutritious calories. Hunger is still the Public Enemy No. 1 when it comes to weight loss.

Exercise Has a Lot of Indirect Benefits

Exercise helps to broaden your calorie deficit by burning additional calories. However, its immediate impact on weight loss is usually minor. It's not unusual to gain weight when you first start exercising. Exercise's genuine weight-loss advantages come in the form of indirect effects. It increases our metabolic rate, allowing us to burn calories at a slightly faster rate, and enhances our mood, reducing our need to eat for comfort. Don't, however, overdo your fitness routines. I've lost track of how many dieters started exercising too hard and burned out within three weeks. Start with 45 minutes of any moderate-level physical activity every day and progressively increase the duration and intensity. Always pay attention to your body, and make sure you warm up before and cool down afterward.

Imagine yourself as the person you want to be.

If you want to have a waistline you can flaunt in the sun, don't wait until it happens to "see" it. Visualize it from the beginning of your diet. Imagine walking along a beach or reclining by a pool with a flawlessly flat stomach. Whatever your weight-loss or body-building goals are, get in the habit of envisioning them in as much detail as possible. Because "seeing it" is the first step toward realizing it. A picture is worth a thousand words, as the saying goes.

Are you extremely overweight? Consider the advantages!

If you're trying to lose a lot of weight (100 pounds or more), shedding 26 pounds in three months might not seem like a good idea. If that's the case, consider the following. What are your options? You will lose weight no matter whatever strategy you use, so the only question is when you will begin and how long it will take. Right now, I can answer the last question. It takes roughly a year to lose 100 pounds — usually a bit longer to account for setbacks. A realistic time frame for losing this much weight would be fifteen months. This is insignificant. Imagine yourself strolling down the street 100 pounds lighter, and tell me that 15 months of healthy eating is too much to pay for such a lovely future.

Your first priority should be to seek assistance.

Your first aim should be to get support if you truly want to lose weight for the summer. Join a work-based diet club, a fitness class, or attend weight-loss sessions. Alternatively, you can participate in an online discussion forum. It is completely possible to lose weight on your own, as long as things go smoothly and your scales continue to say wonderful things. However, having the support of real people can make all the difference between success and failure when obstacles come, as they will. If you're having trouble getting help, check out my own weight loss forum. It's a lot of fun and incredibly inspiring.

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