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Losing Weight – The Facts

             Losing Weight – The Facts

             Losing Weight – The Facts

We all want to lose a few pounds and look great, especially through those summer months but the average person does not succeed in keeping those pounds off, if they lose the weight at all. The reason for this is that many people follow the latest “celebrity” diets which are good for quick weight loss but are not good for your health or for keeping the weight off.

It is scientifically proven that if you follow a diet where you lose to much weight to quickly then you are starving your body of certain nutrients it needs, when you start moving towards eating a normal diet your body will automatically store these nutrients within the body in case this should happen again.

If you want to lose weight there are some golden rules you need to follow

* Eat 3 meals a day

* Eat less

* Eat healthy

* Eat from all the food groups (Protein, Carbohydrates, Fat)

* Exercise

What we want to achieve is to stWe all want to drop a few pounds and look better, especially during the summer months, but the average person fails to keep those pounds off, if they lose any at all. Many people do this because they follow the latest "celebrity" diets, which are fantastic for quick weight loss but not for your health or keeping the weight off.

It has been scientifically shown that if you follow a diet that causes you to lose too much weight too rapidly, you are depriving your body of essential nutrients. When you return to a more normal diet, your body will immediately store these nutrients in case this happens again.

There are some golden principles to follow if you wish to lose weight.

* Consume three meals per day.

* Consume fewer calories

* Eat a balanced diet

* Include foods from all dietary categories in your diet (Protein, Carbohydrates, Fat)

* Workout

We want to keep eating three meals a day, but in lesser portions and with better foods. We still require all of the major food groups within the three meals for our bodies to function properly, thus we still need protein, carbs, and fats. Another crucial aspect in reducing weight is exercise. I'm not suggesting you run a marathon, but if you can spare 20 or 30 minutes a day for a stroll or a gentle jog, you'll see a difference.

If you want to lose weight rapidly, you will only see results for a short time; but, if you set your objectives and lose weight properly, you will see results for a long time. It's not just about your physical appearance when it comes to losing weight; it's also about your emotional health and future health.ill eat 3 meals a day, just in smaller quantities and with healthier food. Within the 3 meals we still need all the different food groups for our body to function correctly so we still need our protein, carbohydrates and our fats. Another important factor for losing weight is exercise, I don’t mean running a marathon, but if you can spare 20 or 30 minutes a day for a walk or a light jog you will certainly feel the benefits.

If you want to lose the weight quickly then it will only last short term, if you set your goals and take your time losing the weight correctly then you will see the benefits for a long time to come. Losing weight is not just about physical looks, it’s about mental well being and your future health.

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