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Lose Weight Permanently Without Dieting

Permanent Weight Loss Without Dieting

Without a Strict Diet, How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off Forever

Have you ever overheard a friend say, "I'm on a diet?" Your friend would then lose weight for a short period of time before putting it all back on.

I'm sure you've heard someone say, "Cardio is the best for losing weight." This person would then pound the treadmill religiously, but the results would be excruciatingly slow. He eventually gives up and regains all of the weight he had lost, sometimes even gaining a few extra pounds!

So you thought you'd finally cracked the code to long-term weight loss? You followed a strict diet and exercised to your heart's content. You lost a lot of weight in a short period of time. When you look in the mirror in your birthday suit, however, something is off. Yes, you've lost weight, but your body shape isn't quite as attractive as you'd like it to be. Then, all of a sudden, you reach a stalemate.

Your weight refuses to drop any further, no matter how strict your diet and cardio workouts are. Then, horrors of horrors, you begin to gain some weight! You get disillusioned since the unrewarding program causes you to crave ‘guilt food' more frequently, causing your weight to rise again. The software fails and you blame it on your terrible genes. Why???

This is why. First and foremost, consider the title of this paper. It's to "Fight Off Fats," not "Lose Weight." My point is that simply reducing weight will result in the loss of muscular mass. You will lose body tone if you lose muscle, and your metabolic rate for burning calories will slow down as a result. As a result, you must grow muscle while shedding fat. Because muscles are heavier than fats, you may gain weight.

To lose weight and keep it off for good, you must mix healthy eating habits with aerobic exercises and weight lifting to develop muscle. Even if you don't do anything, every kilogram of muscle you gain burns an additional 70-100 calories per day. Can you fathom the advantages of gaining 5 kilograms of muscle? Even if you just sit around and do nothing, you'll burn an extra 350 to 500 calories per day. Every day, you'll be eating a Big Mac! To further explain my thesis, 1 kg equals roughly 7,700 calories, therefore if you burn 500 calories every day due to your increased muscles, you'll lose about 1 kg every two weeks due to your faster metabolism!

You'll also appear to be fit, healthy, and toned! Is it any wonder that bodybuilders eat so much but don't gain weight as easily as other people?

Everyone understands that doing a lot of cardio and sticking to a tight diet will cause you to lose muscle mass as well as fat. So, while you will drop some weight at first, you will appear to be a smaller version of yourself with no muscular tone. Isn't that not what we want?

When a result, as your muscles deteriorate, your metabolism slows. Furthermore, as a result of your rigorous diet, your body will begin to conserve lipids and ‘eat' your muscles for energy. Then you'll reach a snag, and no matter what you do, you'll be unable to lose any more weight, and your fat levels will begin to creep back up. In a nutshell, this is what the ‘yo-yo' dieting effect is all about.

It is simple to lose weight. It's worth noting that I stated "simple" rather than "easy." My instructions will be simple to follow, but putting them into action will need dedication and discipline on your part. It's a lifestyle shift that will help you lose weight for good, and you'll be glad you did because you'll adjust to the adjustments in only a few weeks. It will become a habit for you by then, especially since you will be rewarded with a fitter, healthier, and hunkier you, as well as a glowing complexion!

This is how you go about doing it. Simply put, reducing weight entails burning more calories than you ingest. Period.

Compound workouts are more effective than biceps curls and triceps push downs. Exercises that target large muscle groups, such as legs, back, and chest, should be prioritized. Why? Because you're dealing with larger, more massed pieces, you're working more body parts, which means you're burning more calories. Do big sets if you're in good shape (4 or more exercises or sets with no rest in between sets or exercises).

Here's an illustration. Only perform one set of each exercise with no rest in between. Choose a weight that is 60-70 percent of your typical lifting capacity and complete at least 25 reps. If you're able, do more or until your muscles are exhausted, then stop. Get out of the gym. It shouldn't take you more than 40 minutes to complete the entire program.

Start with squats after a complete warm-up, then go on to dips, bench presses, barbell rows, and military presses. Does it appear to be straightforward? That is not the case. You're going to be huffing, puffing, and sweating a lot. What has been accomplished? Your metabolism will burn for the next many hours because you mixed a cardio and lifting workout. Do this three times a week, with at least a day off in between.

Change the order of the exercises after 4-8 weeks. So, if you're used to squatting first, squat last. Change some of the workouts after another 4-8 weeks, such as squats for dead lifts or barbell rows for lat pull downs. This will shock your muscles, causing them to adapt and expand.

Run first thing in the morning before breakfast for cardio. Maintain your jogging pace for at least 45 minutes if you're jogging at a normal pace. 20-30 minutes will suffice if you are running at 65 percent to 80 percent of your maximal heart rate (you will be gasping and unable to sing or complete a sentence while running). Any more than that could result in muscle breakdown. To catch your breath, you can intersperse the faster jogs with slower jogs. Do these exercises 5-6 times per week.

What are your eating habits? Simply eat a smaller portion of what you normally would. Take one slice of bread and an egg instead of two slices and two eggs if you had two slices and two eggs in the morning. Just eat half of what you normally would, but more frequently. If you can, eat 5 to 6 meals per day. This is to ensure that your body does not go into hunger mode and begin to store fats. At the same time, your metabolism will be boosted because your body burns calories while digesting food. Remove all soft drinks and sugared beverages from your diet, and stop adding sugar to your coffee and tea. You may have already saved 200 calories per day by avoiding sugary drinks. Instead, drink plenty of water, and if possible, double the quantity.

All work and no play, by the way, makes Jack a dull (and very exhausted) boy. Choose one day a week to unwind. On that particular day, there was no workout. If you must, indulge in your favorite foods. Hey, clap yourself on the back for making it through another hard week. After all, your body requires rest as well.

Once you've met your fat loss goals and are satisfied with your muscular development, you can relax a little. Reduce your gym visits, run shorter distances, and even loosen up on your diet. Your body has become a fat-burning machine as a result of your increased muscle. That is a privilege you have earned.

Simple? Sure. But do you have the willpower to shed those pounds and keep them off for good? Who says you have to follow a rigid diet to lose weight and keep it off indefinitely? It's up to you, people!

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