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What Causes Teenage Acne

 What Causes Teenage Acne

What Causes Teenage Acne

Boys and girls are more susceptible to acne breakouts throughout their early adolescent years, when the body's oil glands begin to overproduce sebum (skin oil that can resemble grease). To make matters worse, your body regularly loses dead skin cells, and some people have "sticky" skin cells that don't shed normally and stay glued to the skin. These surplus skin cells mingle with the oil and clog the hair follicles in acne sufferers.

Myths that are widely held

There are a lot of misconceptions out there about what causes acne. Let's get some things straightened out right now.

- Acne is not caused by dirt.

- A blackhead may appear to be dirt clogging a pore, but this is not the case.

- Sebum and skin cells mix together and occasionally climb to the pore opening. However, the true cause is still hidden deep within the pore.

- Take pleasure in your chocolate and fries. Indulging in these delicacies has no effect on sebum production in the skin.

- You may have heard that masturbating or sexual activity might cause acne. This is not the case.

What Causes Teenage Acne

Who Gets Acne the Most?

Acne can affect both boys and girls, but it is more common in boys because their bodies create more skin oils.

Surprisingly, your immune system can also play a role, making you more susceptible to microorganisms trapped in the hair follicles.

What Causes Acne to Get Worse?

— Oil-containing makeup, suntan lotions, and hair treatments can exacerbate the pore-plugging problem.

— Applying to schools, suffering with grades, or even relationship difficulties can all contribute to acne breakouts.

— Hormone levels in the skin may increase during a girl's period, causing outbreaks to intensify.

– Also, avoid the sun because it can harm your skin and promote premature aging as well as pimples.

While keeping your skin clean is crucial, remember to be careful when doing so. No vigorous scrubbing, plucking, or squeezing. Acne can be overcome.

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