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What is acne? What Are the Symptoms and causes

 What is acne? Symptoms and causes

 What is acne? What Are the Symptoms and causes

What exactly is acne? What are the signs and symptoms, as well as the causes?

Changes in the pilosebaceous units cause acne vulgaris, a skin inflammatory disorder (skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland). Pimples, spots, and zits are all terms used to describe acne lesions.

Due to a higher genetic propensity, the disorder is widespread in puberty, especially in Western nations. It is regarded as an aberrant response to normal testosterone levels in men. Acne tends to fade, or at least decrease, as one reaches their early twenties, because most people's responses decline over time. However, there is no way of knowing how long it will take for it to go away completely, and some people will continue to have acne well into their thirties, forties, and even beyond. Acne strikes a high percentage of people at some point in their lives.


The most common type of acne is called "acne vulgaris," which means "common acne." Sebaceous glands secrete too much oil, which mixes with naturally occurring dead skin cells to clog hair follicles. In rare cases, the skin's keritinization process appears to be incorrect, resulting in abnormal shedding of skin lining the pores. Oil discharges accumulate underneath the clogged pore, creating an ideal environment for Propionibacterium acnes to grow uncontrollably. The skin becomes inflamed as a result, resulting in the apparent lesion. Face, chest, back, shoulders, and upper arms are all affected in some way.

Comedones, papules, pustules, nodules, and inflammatory cysts are the most common acne lesions. These are pus-filled or reddish lumps that are more inflammatory, even boil-like sensitive swellings. Non-inflamed'sebaceous cysts,' also known as epidermoid cysts, can occur in conjunction with acne or on their own, but they are not a common occurrence. Following the healing of acne blemishes, ugly scars may persist.

Aside from scars, the main psychological impacts include low self-esteem and sadness. Acne typically emerges throughout adolescence, when people are at their most anxious socially.

Acne's causes

It's unclear why some people develop acne while others do not. It is known to be inherited to some extent. Acne is caused by a number of reasons, including:

 What is acne? What Are the Symptoms and causes

Menstrual cycles and puberty are examples of hormonal activity.

Stress causes the adrenal (stress) glands to produce more hormones.

Sebaceous gland hyperactivity as a result of the three hormone sources mentioned above.

Dead skin cells build up on the surface of the skin.

Bacteria in the pores to which the body has developed an allergy.

Inflammation is triggered by any type of skin irritation or itching.

Anabolic steroid use.

Any halogen (iodides, chlorides, bromides), lithium, barbiturates, or androgens-containing medicine.

Chloracne is a severe, long-lasting acne caused by exposure to high quantities of chlorine chemicals, particularly chlorinated dioxins.

Traditionally, the overproduction of sebum caused by hormones has been emphasized as the primary cause of acne. The narrowing of the follicular channel has recently received increased attention as a second major contributing factor. Water retention in the skin (swelling the skin and so pushing the follicles shut) and abnormal shedding of the cells lining the follicle (hyperkeratinization) within the follicle have all been proposed as significant processes. The male hormones testosterone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), as well as insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1), have all been associated to acne (IGF-I). Acne-prone skin has also been linked to insulin resistance.

Acne vulgaris rarely develops in later years, yet this is the age bracket for Rosacea, which might have comparable symptoms. In older adults, true acne vulgaris may be a symptom of an underlying disease, such as pregnancy or disorders like polycystic ovarian syndrome or the unusual Cushing's syndrome.

Causes are misunderstood.

There are a lot of myths and rumors about what causes the ailment and what doesn't:

 What is acne What Are the Symptoms and causes

Diet. According to one erroneous study, chocolate, French fries, potato chips, and sugar, among other things, have an effect on acne. A recent survey of scientific literature found no evidence in either direction. Acne sufferers should experiment with their diets and stop eating certain foods if they see that it impacts the severity of their acne. A new study based on a survey of 47,335 women discovered a favorable epidemiological link between skimmed milk consumption and acne. The researchers believe the link is caused by hormones found in cow milk (such as bovine IGF-I), however this has not been shown conclusively. Seafood, on the other hand, may contain a significant amount of iodine, but not enough to induce an acne breakout. People who are prone to acne, however, should limit their intake of iodine-rich meals. There has also been speculation that a high-refined-sugar diet is linked to acne. According to this theory, the low glycemic index of these tribes' diets could explain the surprising lack of acne among non-westernized communities. More research is needed to determine whether reducing high-glycemic foods (such as soft drinks, sweets, and white bread) will considerably reduce acne, while consumption of high-glycemic foods should be kept to a minimum in any case, for general health reasons.

Personal hygiene is lacking. Dirt does not cause acne. This misunderstanding stems from the fact that acne is caused by skin infections. Acne-causing obstructions occur deep within the tiny follicular channel, where they are impossible to wash out. The cells and sebum produced by the body combine to form these clogs. The germs involved are the same bacteria found on the skin at all times. Regular skin cleansing can help minimize, but not prevent, acne for a specific person, and hygiene has a little role in determining individual differences. By harming or over-drying the skin, anything more than very moderate washing can aggravate existing lesions and even induce new ones.

Sex. Acne is said to be caused by either celibacy or masturbation, and that sexual intercourse can cure it. There isn't a shred of scientific evidence to support any of these claims. Anger and stress do, however, impact hormone levels and, as a result, bodily oil production. It is currently being investigated if any increases in oil production caused by stress are sufficient to produce acne.

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