google-site-verification: googleb188d52f665c623e.html why you should Love Dental Floss – Dentists love Dental Floss | ATSHealthWellness

why you should Love Dental Floss – Dentists love Dental Floss

I Love Dental Floss - Dental Floss is a favorite among dentists.

I Love Dental Floss - Why Dentists Love It and Why You Should Too!

I hear the same thing every time I go to the dentist for my annual cleaning. “You only need to floss the ones you want to keep,” I believe is an industry joke that everyone uses. Nonetheless, there is something crucial in the sentence. You see, I'm the type of person who enjoys flossing his teeth. In the car, at home while watching television, and, of course, after a thorough brushing every evening.

If you don't like dental floss, you probably don't realize how vital it is for proper oral hygiene as well as how pleasant it feels on your teeth. Consider teeth as a stack of boxes piled on top of each other. Two sides are visible, with two sides opposing each other. Consider how effectively a tooth brush can clean the two sides of your teeth that are in contact. Isn't that it?

Brushing alone is insufficient to remove plaque from the interior surfaces of your teeth. The interproximal areas, or the spaces between your teeth and below the gum line, are two places where the toothbrush can't reach and old food particles become lodged, creating the ideal habitat for plaque to flourish. Cavities are more prone to form in these areas as well. When plaque hardens, it must be removed in the dentist's office on a regular basis, as I mentioned earlier. Daily flossing, on the other hand, removes plaque before it hardens, making your teeth look nicer and healthier, as well as removing a significant source of bad breath.

Please start the drums......

So, Dental Floss and the process of flossing are introduced. Dental floss resembles thread and is typically made of an inorganic material such as nylon. Dental floss is available in a range of forms and sizes, including waxed, non-waxed, flat, round, and textured floss, as well as floss with baking soda, fluoride, and even floss holders. These goods are available at drug stores, supermarkets, and medical supply stores.

So, when it comes to flossing, select one that you enjoy. Mint-flavored waxing is my particular fave. The simplicity of usage and minty freshness are unbeatable. Anyway…. Dental floss comes in a plastic container on a roll. Take a couple of feet of floss and pull it out. It's not expensive, and it makes the task a lot easier.

After that, wrap one end around your index finger a few times. The idea is to wrap it around your finger enough so you can pull the long end without it slipping off. Now take the long end of the floss and wrap it once or twice over your other index finger, leaving about 1-2 inches of floss between both fingers.

Simply open your mouth, press one finger against the 1-2 inch floss piece, and push between two teeth. Use any teeth you're comfortable reaching while you're first starting out. Once the floss is in between your teeth, draw it against one tooth and move it up and down between the teeth, then repeat on the opposite tooth surface.

Pull the dental floss out of between the two teeth at the end.

As the floss frees itself from between the two teeth, you should feel a tug and a snap. This snap will occasionally discharge little chunks of white gunk if there is a good build up of plaque. This is excellent.

After that, wrap two more lengths of floss around your index finger, grab the long end with another inch or two of clean dental floss, and you're ready to go on to the next tooth. Rep with the next two teeth until you've cleaned between all of them. I can floss multiple teeth before I need to "refresh" my floss. Flossing cleans and freshens your mouth without the use of artificial breath fresheners.

Flossing will not cause your mouth or gums to bleed if done correctly with healthy teeth and gums. However, if you mistakenly push the floss too forcefully into your gums, you may have bleeding. But don't panic; a quick rinse with cold water generally takes care of the problem.

Last but not least, a word of warning. Flossing has the potential to become addictive.

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