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Best Acne Treatments For Teenagers

         Best Acne Treatments For Teenagers

 Best Acne Treatments For Teenagers

Acne treatments for teenagers must meet a number of criteria. First and foremost, they must have a high success rate. They should also be simple to operate. Finally, they must be gentle on your skin, preferably suitable for sensitive skin.

They should, ideally, be quick-acting. In addition, it is inexpensive. Dermatologists and facial peels should not be out of reach for teenagers and their parents.

I believe there are two systems that should be seriously considered by those looking for acne treatments for teenagers.

Dr. Beckman, a Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, created the first. He has a chemistry background as well as 24 years of experience in plastic surgery, where he gained expertise in skin restoration principles. He's devised a two-step system that is, by definition, simple to follow.

The first step is to use an antimicrobial wash, which kills 99.9% of bacteria on the skin's surface for up to 12 hours. This reduces the risk of infection, and many people who have tried his system have found that it can help prevent future acne outbreaks even if they are on oral antibiotics or Accutane. This cleanser is also great for getting rid of dirt and oily buildup on the skin.

The next step is to apply a topical medication that promotes the skin's natural exfoliation process. This treatment contains salicylic acid and lactic acid, which unclog pores by removing dead skin cells and greasy plugs from the sebaceous glands. Lactic acid promotes new collagen and elastin production while also restoring the skin's natural pH equilibrium.

 Best Acne Treatments For Teenagers

People with all types of acne, from mild to severe cystic acne, have used this acne treatments for teenagers system. It is 100 percent effective on individuals with Grades 1 and 2, 80-90 percent effective on people with Grades 3 acne, and extremely effective on those with Grade 4 acne in controlling fresh outbreaks. Users of prescription drugs such as Accutane were able to reduce their dosages or stop using them completely.

In a 12-week study of high school and college students, all participants improved to some degree, with the majority of benefits occurring within two weeks. As a result, the Reversion system reacts quickly. Acne patients in grades 1 and 2 were able to completely control their acne, while those in grades 3 and 4 saw significant improvements.

Zen Med is the next acne treatment method for teenagers that I endorse. Theirs is a three-step system that takes a slightly different approach to Reversion. Reversion, a cleanser, and an acne treatment drug are two of their topical applications. They do, however, provide herbal acne supplements in the package.

This is a key aspect of the treatment, and it's one of the reasons why so many people's acne clears up for good. The Zen Med method was created by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine's 3000 year knowledge with modern therapies. Theirs is a completely natural, herbal treatment for mild to severe acne. There are no medications in it, and there are no adverse effects.

Many folks who tried standard prescription medications but were unsatisfied with the results were very pleased with the Zen Med system's results. One of the major advantages of this acne treatment for teenagers is that most people who used it were able to stop their acne at the source within 1 to 3 months - this is not a therapy that will last the rest of your life.

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